Please add advertising units into the pallet

Please add advertising units into the pallet.
It will solve all problems.

This feature is not there in MIT App Inventor. You can use extensions for this.

You can be sure this will not be added to App Inventor. App Inventor is an educational tool. If you want ads, use an extension or use one of the commercial App Inventor clones.


If you said this from the beginning.
Instead of dealing with the software, we would sow tomatoes and peppers.
God does not think of trade while giving the rain, he thinks of fertility.

What do you need for a pallet if I'm going to use an extension for everything?

Well, App Inventor is open source. You can always make your own version where you add all the components you need.

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Palette contains visible and non-visible componenents which come ready. Extensions are non-visible add-on features that developers can use to make their app better.