Player TaifunPlayer stops when device goes to sleep

Ciao a tutti
Sto usando l’estensione TaufinPlayer ma perche quando il cell va in standby l’audio si ferma?

you might want to try the Extension to request IGNORE BATTERY OPTIMIZATIONS.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Show your blocks.
Which device and Android version?

Check this simple aia: TaifunPlayerTest.aia (161.2 KB)

You can test it with Companion or compiled app (APK).
Both should work in standby / background (after pressing the device Home button).
Tested on Android 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

If it doesn't work for you, let us know which device / Android version you are using.

Questo esempio e come lo fatto io e non va, la versione di adnroid e la 9

What is your sound source? Is it an internet radio stream or url ?
Wifi switches off after @ 10 minutes when device goes to sleep

So again: Does this APK work in standby, means when the screen is locked (black)?

If not, which device & Android version?

Many of my apps in the Play Store work exactly the same way and run in standby with no problems and are installed on thousands of different devices.

Since there is no response to this I am (pretty) sure that the APK also works on your device in standby.

Sorry for the late reply but I am Italian and here we are not having a good time, I noticed that it does not always sometimes always rings sometimes it interrupts, maybe it will be the connection?
As soon as I can I put the blocks

It would be nice if I could get a clear and understandable answer, in whatever language ... so everything remains unclear ... and last but not least, WHICH DEVICE it is.

Ok ho risolto il primo problema ma ora ho questo:

Come posso risolverlo?

how did you solve the problem? Please provide a description and screenshot of the solution... Thank you.
And: this thread is about the issue "Player TaifunPlayer stops when device goes to sleep"
for other questions please start a new thread. Thank you.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

FWIW i do not think that is a valid stream url.


for testing

Si il flusso non è esatto ma come posso aggirare questo messaggio se il flusso è sbagliato?

L’altro problema più che risolverlo è un problema di linea internet se la linea è scarsa mi da questo problema ma se è buona va una meraviglia

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