Basically I uploaded the project to the site: and to my great surprise, I also managed to make the APK..but unfortunately to my dismay, the first player does not start..while if I run the project in the companion, it starts normally
Dear Nicola,
as you know, without posting your .aia is almost impossible to understand what is your issue.
Most likely a permission issue.
Mi dispiace Nicola, ma il mio firewall mi impedisce di scaricare il file.
Hai provato a vedere quello che ti dice Anke ?
Se no, prova a vedere se qualcun altro può aprire il tuo dropbox.
Dear Nicola, I'm awfully sorry, but my firewall won't let me download your file.
Probably someone else can do it and help you. In the meanwhile have you checked what Anke has said ?
Cheers Ugo.
I recommend doing your duration calculation math comparison directly against the duration, without the use of any extensions for unnecessary formatting.
That would factor out any region specific number formatting issues, and any Companion version problems.
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