I was testing, creating code, but the device always stopped the music, so I decided to try the itoo extension and it works well, here I will leave an example:
I thought the question was whether the audio stream/music stops because Doze mode shuts down the CPU, internet, etc. So does the music continue to play on your test device after 7-10 minutes or longer? On my test devices the music plays until the battery gives up.
No, how long it takes for an audio stream to load/buffer depends not only on the speed of the internet, but also on the player used. Whether the stream breaks off after a while on Android 6+ devices has nothing to do with the internet speed, but rather with the correct implementation of a foreground service.
Is your extension up to date? I have made an app with it and when I try to install the apk file it shows „there was a problem with parsing“ and as I looked up, the problem for this error was often an outdated extension…my phone is currently running on the latest version of Android 12. Thx!
I'm using this extension to play audiostream from Internet. All is working well except the stop function. After using "call JoeDevPlayer1.Stop", the player is still playing the source on Android 14.
I found the reason, I put the itoo pause, resume and stop blocks wrong, it is now fixed, this way it will work perfectly for you: Tested on Android 14.
Oh Yeah ! Many thanks ! I'm using this extension for radioamateur (HAM Radio) users so everyone can listen other people talking with their smartphone when there is some issues with radio device for example...
After expanding your last post, I'm not sure to understand the Fix. Did you made another version of your extension or should I use the itoo extension to fix my problem ?