Play Store upload help

It is not mit app inventor help but. it is kinda too
im uploading my app to Google Play Store
but... there is a 4 problems to me.

  1. Google Pixel 2 (Arm) Error

    Android ver: 13 (SDK: 33)
    while the process the app suddenly exits.

  2. Google Pixel 2 Error

    while trying to log in to account, the app suddenly exits.

  3. two Splash Screen
    when starting the app there is 2 splash screen.

  4. GCP API key is outflow

i need help;
aia file:
Sendchat.aia (873.3 KB)

As a first step always use the latest version of each extension



Ok. but can you give me the last version of TaifunWifi? i cant find it yours. and do i have to pay it for?

you can download the latest free version of the extension here App Inventor Extensions: WiFi | Pura Vida Apps

I still provide the latest free version 15 of the extenion here without support. There might be permission issues for some methods. Also the Connect method will not work anymore for newer devices. It is recommended to use the paid version instead.


I am making android app in mit ap inventor. and I post the app in google play store. So i sumbit my app and ask for review. After the reviewing the app, google said that the GCP API Key is Outflowed. Image:

The api key is outflowed at down 6 things.
All extensions are new versions.
I really have no idea about this situation.
How can i fix this situation?
Here is this app's aia file
Sendchat.aia (889.3 KB)