PiPresents oscRemote

This app is an android-version of PP-OscRemote that can control a PiPresents - presentation.
PiPresents is software to make automated presentations with a raspberry-pi build by KenT.
Osc is short for Open Sound Control.

PiPresents_oscRemote.aia (213.2 KB)

The app uses an udp-extention.
I am aware that direct posting of apks is not allowed, so if someone wants the apk just ask.

More info on PiPresents - Raspberry Pi Build

image image



can you send me the APK?

You can just upload the aia file to app inventor and the click on Build --> Export APK


Hi, I'm sorry, I did nog get any notification of your questions. The smartphone is only connected to wifi and the raspberry pi is on the same network. The connection is with udp.
