I have 4+ lists of values and im trying to have them sorted by its value,
then have them displayed into text/image boxes
Each list has a value and its sorted so the highest value is first
I need help coding having the proper list selected
This all looks wrong to me. You need to be storing data in lists not variables (for this requirement)
Explain a bit more about what you are trying to achieve
The intention of the app is having the user enter data / fill out questions and then the answers will be shown best to worst
I had not noticed how I had the data as variables as I must of assumed the values would change at some point
I recommend typing your flower data into a Google Sheet, rather than in blocks.
Six columns should cover your data:
- Flower name
- flower picture file name
- Soil type
- Soil color?
- acidity
- Bloom time
How would you want to sort such a table?
I have not tried using Google Sheets before and I think it would be easier without. I am not trying to sort the flower information I just need help trying to make this picture into code
Well, at the very least, store your data in a csv file
can you tell me the basics of storing this data in a csv file
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