Pic for this code please *_*

The purpose of this code is to send user input (username, email, and phone number) to a server where it can be processed, stored, or used for some purpose like registration, login, or data submission.
this is the code
call Web1.PostText(
"UserName=" + urlEncode(TextBox1.Text) +
"&Email=" + urlEncode(TextBox2.Text) +
"&Phone=" + urlEncode(TextBox3phone.Text)

is the blocks in the image do the same as code needs ? if not please i want image for the correct blocks because i teach by my self and getting help from chatgpt for this app

What does chatgpt say about that server?

I've never heard of it.

What does that server say about chatgpt?


ask ChatGPT about the difference between a Get and Post request and then ask for a Get request solution


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Your URL doesn't contain a ":". It should be https:// but the server you are pointing to doesn't exist.

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@Peter response is true, but also Username= should be ?Username=

Not with a post text it shouldn't...

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Why have you scribbled on the word post?

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I didn’t read he’s trying to store the info sorry, also I will post the blocks when I will turn on my pc.

@Mick_Matton, try this:


mr @Taifun i tryed to know the way of arranging the code. but its hard to know from gpt how to do it / because [ urlEncode ] is unkown for me and it does not tell how to get and arrange it easy way

its fake url for my old web

try using mine blocks and make sure you handle the backend correctly.

Please provide a link to the API documentation and use an existing url

And for Get requests, all parameter are added after the url


Then just use the Get method



I have already advised you that you do not need a ? for the first parameter when using PostText.

If it was all one url in a GET request then you do need one.