Phase • Animations made easy!

Yes, I did edited it earlier but now I’m unable to do so. In fact, there’s no edit button.

1 Like

Edited. Thanks for pointing out. :smile:

Time for a fresh update!

  • Added AnimationPaused event.

  • Added AnimationResumes event.

  • Added PauseAnimation method.

  • Added ResumeAnimation method.

  • Fixed ZoomIn/Out animation types. They were not working as expected earlier.
    Thanks @Anke for reporting.

  • Renamed the following event blocks. Now their names are a bit more meaningful.

    • OnAnimationStart -> AnimationStarts

    • OnAnimationEnd -> AnimationEnds

    • OnAnimationCancel -> AnimationCancelled

  • Increased extension’s size by 3.9 KB. :upside_down_face:


AIX: Google Drive
:warning: Caution : This version of Phase might break the renamed event blocks if you have used them in your existing projects. To get this resolved, just replace the old blocks with new ones and you are good to go. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you very much!

This great extension opens up so many possibilities which many are not yet realizing (probably not even Shreyash himself :wink:).
For example, I could now easily solve an old (complex) problem (regarding Timers, Canvas & the known issues with synchronicity) for a meditation app. The extension works in my case throughout the use of the app, not just during a first initial animation.

This is by far more than just a simple fade-in / out animation effect extension (comparable to the effects that PowerPoint offers, as some claim and with which one should rather be sparing).


That’s one heck of a first extension! :slight_smile:

I have an app I’m working on with ~6000+ blocks. This just might replace a few in those areas where animation takes place. Always appreciative of extensions that save time and code involved in from-scratch solutions.


2 posts were split to a new topic: How to deal with thousands of blocks?

Why is it not working? Does not show previously hidden buttons.
test_phase.aia (108.8 KB)

you initialize last_button as Button1, so if you click Button1 and the Animation ends, last_button is Button1, which not might be what you want…


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.


Button1 is not visible at first. In the AnimationEnd event, assigns the current button to last_button. The buttons appear but not quite. You can’t see them but you can click on them. To see what the problem is better to run the .aia file. It’s hard to describe.

Try this (to avoid the buttons disappear):


It works! Super extension. Thank you Anke for another good help;). So this is not just ordinary animation. “Out” methods cause elements to disappear or decrease :). We can do as you suggested or that:

It would be possible to make the “AnimationEnd” event return what element was animated?
It would be a good idea to delay between animations in continuous mode. Now the delay works like this:
Delay -> Animation, Animation, Animation …
It could be like this:
Delay -> Animation, Delay -> Animation, Delay -> Animation.

1 Like

I just LOVE this extension and it’s soo useful. I used it in my App which will be published soon, and it is just amazing.

The fact that shocked me is, that this extension is 100% free and @shreyash made this completely without gaining money.

I just can thank you very very much and hope to see other good work like this in the future.



AppInventor: learning not earning


Yes better quote:

Credits to @Peter Phase • Animations made easy! - #22 by Peter - Extensions - Kodular Community



Nice, thanks a lot @shreyash


A kind suggestion to everyone using the extension: I haven’t updated this thread in a while, so, please follow the below thread on the Kodular community for latest updates, etc. on the extension :point_down:


Dear Shreyash,

like you may already know, the MIT AI2 Hackathon 2020 started already. We as the participants of it are allowed to use extensions, but we also must provide a permission of the owner, which is, in this case, you.

I was really satisfied about Phase, how many different types of Animations there were, I am amazed!

It would be really helpful to me if you gave me (and others who may want to use Phase) a permission.


Just a suggestion:
To get quick reply ask for same in Kodular Community else wait... :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry but I have currently no access to the Kodular Community, that's why I asked here.

I think you knew it I already said it in the YourFonts Extension

Also I think that in the Kodular Community the owners will, like here, give it for all, so if there is a permission, it will be for all. Isn't there also asked