i am writing an app to batch classify over 100 image from gallery for classification.
i have created a list of path of the photos needed to be classify and used "for each" to run "ClassifyImageData".
However, given the variation in image file size, i imagined that the classification time will be varies, i am not sure the sequence of result i got from "GotClassification" will be different from the sequence of what i am sending. and given the "result" from "GotClassification" only contain "label" but not the original data, i could not verify the sequence.
is there any way i could identify the result one by one? or convert the result of event handler block "GotClassification" to an getter block that i could insert into the "for each" loop?
in it, fturbak mentioned that 1. Only one event handler can be executing at any given time. 2. Other events that occur while an event handler is executing are queued and handled later, in order.
so my question should not exist, i will try out and let you guys know if there is really error first.