Permiso denegado de escritura al intentar generar un archivo exel

por favor necesito ayuda con esto, soy relativamente nuevo en esto, intento generar un archivo exel y me aparece error 908, que hago, dice que le tengo que dar permisos

the file component requires WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to store files in the ASD - application specific storage
you might want to use the EFile Extension by vknow360, this is a copy of the MIT App Inventor file component, without requesting permissions

btw. you might get more help, if you follow this recommendation (taken from How to ask a question (open new topic))

Note : Make it as easy as possible for those who are helping . Especially:
→ Write in English and
→ use English blocks (set the language in the Designer - temporarily - in English).


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.


Yes, but before Scoped storage was introduced (I'm not entirely sure: nb187).
EDIT: But the EFile ext. works fine (on all Android versions).