Pegar dados da internet

Galera estou querendo pegar textos da internet e fazer eles aparecerem no app mas não estou conseguindo arrumar uma forma de fazer isso alguém me ajuda??

Grab text from the Internet. Depending on exactly what you are trying to do there are several methods. You might be able to use the WebView string with the WebViewer!msg/mitappinventortest/RCinmiNFgGc/2oTdj7dWTXoJ

You also can do something that iis sometimes called scraping. It might be what you want to do. If you want to do scraping you should use the Web component. Not the WebViewer.

Here are some examples:

Here is a complex example

Here is another

and another!searchin/mitappinventortest/scrape|sort:date/mitappinventortest/tNVXcdtZsPs/4UTLeI9zBgAJ

Explain in greater detail and perhaps showing an example of what you hope to do and someone might provide more specific advice.