Pedometer units

How can I make it so that if I pass 1000 meters then it would change into km and show me 1km instead of 1000m?

Try this-

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Just a lil more neat solution...

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Thanks a lot, I have one more question. Do you maybe know how to make it so that it will reset the steps and the distance at the end of the day. So like if the time is 00:00 it will reset?

Thank you.

The problem is it will not run background :sweat_smile:

I know, my plan is to save it and then open it in kodular, there is an extension that when I click a button it will go to my home screen but the app will work in the background.

Do you maybe know how to do this - "Do you maybe know how to make it so that it will reset the steps and the distance at the end of the day. So like if the time is 00:00 it will reset?"?

Please wait

I think this might help-

Thanks, btw is there anyway I can check it right now instead of actually waiting for 00:00 to come?

Like this-

I'm getting this error, do you know why?

You are using text block, so use the text comparision block, not the math comparision block.

Hi @Kaustubh_Rakhade, there is no problem checking with math comparison block. I have tested it. The problem is @Niu is multiplying 1 with null ("").