(pedometer) Timing stopped when screen switched off?

Hi Commuity,
I am creating a step counting app, when I trying it on my mobile phone, I found that it stopped timming and doesn't continue counting when i switched off my mobile's screen in order to save power. And it count again when i switched the screen on again. How should I add more blocks to solve this problem?
Thanks for any helping !

Since it is treated as fresh start.

No any benefit, just for my own use, i don't want to use other apps since they have many annoying advertisement.

I don't close my app, i just switched off my mobile screen and let it run, as i walk for 1 hour, i don't need to watch my mobile every minutes.

You either need a foreground service [FREE] Pedometer with Foreground Service or a StayAwake routine. When your device goes to sleep, it cannot count the steps.

Here is how you might code a Stay Awake block routine using a Notifier

or you could use Taifun’s Tools Extension: https://puravidaapps.com/tools.php

Using either an extension or a block routine drains your device battery rapidly . These work around methods are not running the app in the Background, they force the app
screen to stay open .

Thank You very much, your answer is really what i want, i appreciate you for your help !

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you might want to try


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