Payment app for my School's Cafe

Hi (n_n) My school project is to create an app cappable of

  1. ordering online the products (Pizza, juice, chips, etc).
  2. Be cappable of paying the order.
  3. Create a qr code or something to claim the product.
  4. To add money to the app, to be able to do #2.
    The idea of this app is to reduce the line when you are going to buy because it's a disaster in my school, so you can order online and then just go and claim your product, easy and fast. Im just a student so i don't know if it is possible to create this with appinventor, because other softwares require me to pay a monthly subscription to be able to have my app, so is it possible to create it? or do you know about other program to create apps? Thank you. (o_o")

Welcome @Octorby

Here are some ideas for a few basic food menu apps that will help with ordering.

Billing etc. are possible but complicated. In app payment requires an extension.

QRcode might be possible. Search the forum for QR code.

maybe, if you do not have to all the features you request.

Thank you, it will be hard, but i will try (0_0")