Pangolín - Drawing application with symmetries

One of the applications that I liked the most with my Spectrum 48k when I was little was this little program to make drawings using symmetries, so when I started testing with AI2 I remembered it and decided to make a version for my mobile.

Being able to save the progress (not like at that time that I was limited to doing the program over and over again) I have been adding some additional drawing modes and some other functionality.

Lets make drawings of this style.

Here you can see a brief explanation of the menu.

I hope you enjoy it.

The AIA:
Pangolin.aia (35.8 KB)


Nice App But can you share the aia project with us?

I have added the AIA. It's not very neat ... but hey, the project isn't that big either.

It should be able to look good on iOS too


Thank you for providing the aia file and I will immediately try your project because I am very very very interested in this extraordinary project. :heart_eyes: :+1:


Wow ! Nice app ! :partying_face: