Pangle Network Extension

Hello Everyone I need Pangle Network Extension, Anyone Have This Extension? Reply Me.

I saw docs and found it needs some native libraries, so probably not possible to make one

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Pangle is a ad service right?
@Know_About_IT I think this also need aar library

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You Means No one Create This Extention.

I think we can create, this also need aar library
Now aar library is supported in appinventor

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nope it isnt

: |

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Really, but I think in this new update aar is supported

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it was removed from milestone

Can you please tell why it is removed
This is a good thing

As you may have noticed over the last couple of months, there have been many more important things to resolve with AI2, therefore introducing aar has been pushed back to a later release.

This has now been answered many times, no need to ask about it again.

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