[PAID] WhatsApp Sticker Extension | Create & Add Sticker Packs to WhatsApp Dynamically πŸŽ‰

WhatsApp Stickers | Paid

Create dynamic sticker packs for WhatsApp and add pack to WhatsApp using this extension. Make a trending sicker app now


πŸ“¦ 363.46 KB
πŸ“ com.getaix.aistickers.Aistickers

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πŸ“The sticker extension

WhatsApp is one of the widely used social media app and the custom stickers feature is used by many users. Many sticker apps are still trending on PlayStore. Earlier it wasn't possible to create WhatsApp Sticker apps with AppInventor & It's clones. With this extension you can create and add the pack to WhatsApp with apps made with AppInventor , Kodular , Niotron or Casagbic

πŸŽ₯ Proof of work

πŸ™‰ Listen Buyers - You will recieve

  1. AIA which shows a demo of downloading and adding pack from internet
  2. Extension for all builders
  3. Extra note , if you are buying with Getaix

Designer Properties

IosAppStoreLinktextOpens your app in App Store when more details clicked
AndroidPlayStoreLinktextOpens your app in Play Store when more details clicked


😲 How Simple It Is


Number of sticker packs created

returnType : number


Convert image to webp image. WhatsApp stickers needed to be in webp format to work

imagePathtextfull path to image
saveAstextfull path to webp image
qualitynumber0 - 100

GetBaseDirectory or GetASD

Return ASD in android >10 and external storage in android <10

returnType : text


Remove a pack by identifier from your app and not WhatsApp

identifiertextsticker pack identifier used while creating pack


Update this value to update whatsapp stickers



Creates a sticker pack

identifiertexta unique identifier for the pack
nametextpack name
baseDirectorytextExtension check for images in ASD and you can mention other paths in ASD where the images are stored
trayImageFiletextA png image.This image should be 96x96 pixels and must be less than 50 KB.
avoidCachebooleanfalse (recomended), if true there won't be cache for stickers
animatedStickerPackbooleanwether the pack contains animated or static stickers


Add sticker to a sticker pack by identifier,
emojis : required, maximum 3

identifiertextidentifier used to create pack
imagetextAn image file as required by WhatsApp and its path in ASD
emojislistEmojis used to represent the image. List of emojis with minimum 1 and maximum 3emojis


Return a dictionary of pack by identifier

returnType : dictionary



Total number of stickers in a pack

returnType : number


AddPackToWhatsApp :butter:

Adds the pack to WhatsApp

Note : :warning: This block won't work in companion

packNametextPack aname shows in dialog while adding pack




After sticker pack added successfully


After sticker pack added successfully


After image is converted to webp


After image is converted to webp failed

:family_man_man_boy_boy: The community links


Feel free to contact me to for new blocks or for reporting bugs and improvements

Check My Other Extensions

πŸ‘‡πŸ½ Download Extension

Documentation generated with Getaix

About Creating Stickers - From WhatsApp FAQ



Stickers on WhatsApp must be legal, authorized, and acceptable. Learn more about acceptable use of WhatsApp services at WhatsApp Legal Resources.

Sticker art and app requirements

We recommend you refer to the FAQ at https://faq.whatsapp.com/general/26000226 for complete details on how to properly create your sticker art. This FAQ also contains a sample PSD that demonstrates best practices for composing legible, rich sticker art.

  • A sticker is an image that has a transparent background and can be sent in a
    WhatsApp chat
  • Stickers are organized into "packs". Your app can contain anywhere from 1 to
    10 packs. Users must explicitly add each pack to WhatsApp one-by-one, so your
    app should list each pack separately and each pack must have its own
    affordance to add it to WhatsApp (do not try to create "add all packs"
  • Sticker packs must contain either static or animated stickers, never a mix of both
  • Each sticker pack must have a minimum of 3 stickers and a maximum of 30
  • Stickers must be exactly 512 x 512 pixels
  • Stickers will render on a variety of backgrounds, white, black, colored, patterned, etc. Test your sticker art on a variety of backgrounds. For this reason, we recommend you add a 8px #FFFFFF stroke to the outside of each sticker. See the sample PSD referenced at https://faq.whatsapp.com/general/26000226 for more details.
  • Stickers must be in the WebP format. See the section Converting to WebP below for information on how to create WebP files.
  • Each static sticker must be less than or equal to 100KB and each animated sticker must be less than or equal to 500KB. See the section Tips for Reducing File Size below.
  • Animated stickers must have frames with minimum duration of 8ms. Animation duration should be less than or equal to 10 seconds total.
  • For animated stickers, the first frame should say it all - WhatsApp ends the animation on the first frame after looping so please make sure your first frame is the complete image of your sticker and adjust the sequence of the stickers accordingly so users don’t see a jumpy experience going from the last to first frame. Ex. A sticker that animated β€œHi!” should have the first frame show all words β€œHi!”.
  • Sticker Picker/Tray Icon
    • Provide an image that will be used to represent your sticker pack in the WhatsApp sticker picker/tray
    • This image should be static and 96 x 96 pixels
    • Max file size of 50KB

Tips for reducing file size

We recommend reducing the size of each of your stickers. For reference, many of the stickers provided within WhatsApp are around 15KB each. The smaller your stickers, the faster they will send and the less data your users will have to spend sending them or downloading your app. Depending on your art and the type of graphics you've created, one of these two methods may result in smaller file sizes so we recommend experimenting with both.

  • The first method involves optimizing your PNGs using a PNG optimizer tool. If you're on MacOS, use https://pngmini.com. We recommend using Median Cut and adjusting the colors bar to reduce the size. If you're on Windows, use Pngyu to optimize your PNGs. Then, convert them to WebP using the methods described in the Converting to WebP section.
  • The second method involves saving or converting your stickers as WebP while experimenting with the WebP export settings trying to optimize the images. You should try setting the quality of your WebP output to something lower than 100% and experiment with a quality level that gets you the smallest file size possible without noticeable image degradation. Each of the methods described in Converting to WebP for exporting your files to WebP offer ways to control your resolution.

Converting to WebP

Your sticker art must be in the WebP format. We recommend using the tools you're most comfortable with to draw and compose your art, and converting them to WebP using one of a few different tools:

  • Sketch for Mac lets you export files as WebP. Open your sticker art file in Sketch, select a layer, multiple layers, or an artboard, and select Make Exportable in the bottom right. Pick your format as WebP, select Export, and then select the quality/resolution.
  • Android Studio allows you to convert PNGs to WebP. Simply create a new project in Android Studio, open your PNG and right click on the image and select convert to WebP (https://developer.android.com/studio/write/convert-webp). Make sure you uncheck the box next to "Skip images with transparency/alpha channel" in the export flow.
  • You can install a plugin for Photoshop that converts to WebP. Make sure to uncheck the "Save Metadata" checkbox. Some users have experienced problems with using the webp files generated from Photoshop. If you have problems, we suggest you create PNG files, and use Android Studio to do the conversion.
  • Use cwebp, a command line tool
  • Use squoosh, an online browser tool, by the Google Chrome Labs

:gift: Price Contact for the extension

  • 15 USD (PayPal and other international payments)
  • 900 INR (UPI payments & Getaix payment)
  • R$ 75 (Brazil only)

Thank you
Jerin Jacob


Hi Jerin, looks like a very cool extension. Has it been tested by other people before you made it available?

There are a few typos in your post, could you correct them please?

15 Dollars - of which country's currency?

can you give an aix file for the app

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Thank you for mentioned , fixed it.

The extension is tested, and is being used by some.

Hi Deepti,

The extension itself is AIX and hence I won't be able to share it.

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It is a paid extension

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sorry can you give aia file or the app

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The extension is paid. You have to pay the author 15 US dollars.


GetAIX currently has a problem and the payment gets the money but does not give the extension. Could you please kindly rectify as soon as possible? @Jerin_Jacob

Hi Thanks for reporting, was aware of the issue and will into it.

Please dorect message your email of payment to me.

Thank You
Jerin Jacob

Sure thing. Also can provide free-of-charge bug hunting service or help with maintaining the website if you need it, but only in my free time. Let's talk privately for that.

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