🌟 [PAID] Vocals remover Extension "Elevate Audio Extraction with the Vocals Extension"

Vocals Extension


The Vocals extension, created by Mr-Koder, is a powerful tool made to make it easier to separate high-quality instrumental and voice tracks from a given audio source.
A sophisticated codebase that has been skillfully designed to deliver accurate, timely, and trustworthy results is hidden behind its simple interface.


The Vocals extension offers a range of quality-focused features, each tailored to enhance your audio extraction experience:

Quality-Focused Properties

  • HighQualitySpilt (private boolean property): When enabled, ensures a meticulous and high-quality extraction process for instrumental and vocals URLs. Experience the utmost clarity and separation in your extracted tracks.

  • AdvancedAudioProcessing (private boolean property): Enable advanced audio processing techniques to achieve optimal separation of instrumental and vocals URLs. This sophisticated feature enhances the accuracy and quality of your extracted tracks.

  • PreciseTiming (private boolean property): Guarantees precise timing during the extraction process, resulting in accurate and finely-tuned instrumental and vocals URLs. Perfect your audio separation with impeccable timing.

  • Unlimited usage : No limits, no API keys – just endless usage.

  • No limit for audio duration : you can extract vocals from audio up more than to 2h duration

Enjoy the flexibility of unlimited usage with the Vocals extension. Extract as many instrumental and vocals URLs as you need, without any limitations. Each extraction is delivered with the same consistent quality, making it a powerful and reliable tool for your audio processing needs.

Getting Started

Advanced Extraction Process


The seemingly straightforward SpiltAudio block conceals a complex and sophisticated sequence of operations:

  • URL encoding and construction to prepare for extraction make sure that URL is for hosted or download audio file.
  • Event triggering for successful URL extraction.



UrlsObtained(String instrumentalsUrl, String vocalsUrl)

  • Description: Event triggered when high-quality instrumental and vocals URLs are successfully obtained.
  • Parameters:
    • instrumentalsUrl (String): URL to the high-quality instrumentals track.
    • vocalsUrl (String): URL to the high-quality vocals track.

Purchase the Extension

Unlock the full potential of the Vocals extension with just a one-time purchase! Say goodbye to API keys and limitations.
Enjoy unlimited usage for extracting instrumental and vocals URLs. Experience hassle-free access to premium features and exceptional support. To purchase, check paypal after purchase you will be automatically directed to download URL of the Extension. it costs 5$

Video Preview

Get a sneak peek of the Vocals extension in action by watching our video preview. Witness how effortlessly you can extract instrumental and vocals URLs with precision and speed.

Download APK Files

You can download the APK file as an application for the Vocals extension to install to test it :


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price added however you can know it by clicking on provided PayPal URL

You should add it in title. It'll be more helpful then.