[PAID] Tempmail Extension

[ PAID ] Tempmail Extension

You can generate unlimited mails from this extension

How it works:

  • Generate email address by using the extension.
  • Sign up on sites that require confirmation by mail.
  • The site sends email to the address you specify.
  • Message comes to the Tempmail SMTP server of RapidAPI
  • Now use method MailboxChecking to get the message
  • Further details about the underlying service are described here https://temp-mail.org/en/

:earth_americas: Released on : 25 November 2023

:earth_americas: Updated on : 25 November 2023

:gear: Latest Version : 1.0

All Blocks

Screenshot 2023-11-25 114404
Screenshot 2023-11-25 114419


component_method (2)

Random Mail Generate


Tempmail Error Message Shown

Tempmail Random Mail Generate Successful

Triggered when messages are received for a mailbox, response Jason


Get the first string value from a JSON array

Screenshot 2023-11-23 025908

Get the domain from an mail address

Screenshot 2023-11-23 025722

Get the UserName from an mail address

component_method (1)

Mail Box Checking UserName, domain


Open a message from a mail box UserName, domain, id

How to Use

Extension price : 6 $

DM me to buy extension

This extension uses the Tempmail API from RapidAPI. Thank you RapidAPI!

Extension Demo App


buy the extension Aia file free

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Now I know how all these strange emails that spam my mailbox are created...

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