Name: popupMenu
Description: An extension to create popup menu
Version: 1.0
- Function: Triggers when popup menu is dismissed.
- Function: Triggers when menu item is clicked.
- position: returns the position(index) of clicked item.
- Function: initializes popup menu
- component: it is the anchor view means the view near which popup menu will be shown.
- Function: add item to popup menu
- Name: the name(title) you want
- Icon: the icon(image) you want.
- Function: disable the item from being able to be clicked
- Index: the position of item that you want to disable.
- Function: enable item to make it able to be clicked
- Index: the position of item you want to enable
- Function: dismiss the popup menu
- Function: show popup menu
- Function: get icon from particular index
- Index: the position of item from which you want icon
- Function: get name(title) from particular index
- Index: the position of item from from which you want name(title)
- Function: get text color of a particular index
- Index: the position of text whose color you want
- Function: check if item is enabled at particular index. Returns true if enabled else false
- Index: the position which you want to see
- Function: set text color of a specific index
- Color: the color you want
- Index: position of text whose color is to be changed
- Function: update item in popup menu
- Index: the position of item you want to update
- New name: the new name(title) you want. Leave blank if you want old name
- New icon: new icon you want. Leave blank of you want old icon
- Function: returns gravity of popup menu. 0 for Gravity.START and 1 for Gravity.END
- Function: returns path of all the icons present in popup menu in the form of ArrayList
- Function: returns all the names(title) present in popup menu in the form of ArrayList
- Function: returns size(length) of items in popup menu
- Function: set gravity for popup menu. 0 for Gravity.START and 1 for Gravity.END
- Gravity.START will show popup menu in the start of anchor view which we gave during create method.
- Gravity.END will show popup menu in the end of anchor view which we gave during create method
- Function: set text color of all the names(title) present in popup menu
Price: 50 INR or 1 USD
Dm me if you are intrested in buying this extension.