[PAID] MicrosoftSTT: Convert Speech to Text using Microsoft SpeechToText API ($5 or INR 301)

1. Introduction

Description: Easily integrate speech-to-text functionality into your AppInventor2 apps with the MicrosoftSTT extension. This powerful tool leverages Microsoft's Speech-To-Text API to provide accurate and efficient audio transcription.

Latest Version: 1
Released: 2024-07-26T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2024-07-26T18:30:00Z
Permissions: android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO or android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (depending upon Android version)

Sponsored by @Homie

2. Blocks


3. Documentation


GotErrorEvent raised when error occurs
methodName | text
errorMsg | text
GotTranscriptEvent raised when audio was successfully transcripted
resultText | text


TranscriptAudioGet text from audio (wav) file
audioFile | text
audioLang | text


SubscriptionKeySet Ocp Apim Subscription key
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text
ResourceRegionSet resource region
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text

Note: resultText parameter will be json text in case of error. Check if there is RecognitionStatus in result or not. If it is present then an error occurred in backend. In this case, its value can be NoMatch , InitialSilenceTimeout , BabbleTimeout or Error

Success is never returned in resultText

4. Usages

First set credentials.
You can set them from Designer property also.

Now either pick audio or provide its path directly. Extension only supports wav files.

only file paths are supported, so if you got an uri then convert into file path

Get transcripted text

GotError method delivers internal and HTTP request errors only

Read more about Microsoft SpeechToText API here:

Supported Launguages:

5. Purchase Extension

PayPal: PayPal.Me
UPI: vknow360@apl

Thank you.
Hope it helps!

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