[PAID] πŸ“ Location Service Extension

Hi there,
First of all, thanks for the reply, even though the post was closed immediately. which I don't understand by the way.
thanks to the extension location service, the transfer of coordinates to my sql database works perfectly. I can now monitor the location with a second cell phone.
That also works wonderfully. I would like to receive an email (from the 1st cell phone to the second cell phone) as soon as the location changes. So monitoring my camper in case it is stolen.
the mail doesn't need an attachment or pictures or anything else, just the transfer of the coordinates and that's it.
Actually, I imagine a php script that sends an email. location service doesn't actually do anything else. maybe you can extend the existing skipt and it won't
the database addressed special the mail command from php
what would be needed for the block to address the script and the extension of the script.
I've been experimenting for about 7 days and can't get any further at the moment. the solution with ifttt is not the best since we
want to do a europe and north africa tour with several vehicles and everyone wants to install the same system.

I hope you can think of something better or have a solution using your mail extension.

greetings from Stefan

Your post has been moved into the Locationservice thread

There are php servers solutions to send an email... see here App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Send Mail | Pura Vida Apps

if you get one of them running together with your server then I can help you to configure the locationservice extension...


If you want zo use the ifttt solution you have to set it up only once for your app and can use it with as much devices as you want


yes the extension of SmtpCLient Extension by vknow360 to send emails using SMTP server
does exactly what I want, but only as long as the app is running in the foreground.


You have to look for a solution, which works with the web component together with the POST method...

A solution using a mail extension is not supported


An alternative possibility to share the location data among the vehicles:

HOW TO: use LocationService extension with a GoogleSpreadsheet to record real time locations while the app is in the background , All the users post to the spreadsheet but can read the data too. The participants could also 'share' messages if you provide a message in addition to posting coordinates. You could even post everyone's coordinates on a Map.


I now tested the extension in Kodular and it also works there. However for some reason the RequestLocationPermission method does not work there, but you can use a workaround for this, for details see chapter "Kodular" here App Inventor Extensions: Location Service | Pura Vida Apps

PS: for further questions about using the extension in Kodular, please start a new thread in the Kodular community and I will answer there. Thank you.

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I can start the extension with the receipt of an sms?

the StartService method starts the service

to call the StartService method from the Texting.MessageReceived event is also possible while your app is up and running

in case your app is not running you probably will need additionally a background service


Hi, I send you PM

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Hi, i was able to send the Latitude and Longitude data to Firebase through the API via the POST method, but whenever I send it through this method, the values ​​are stored in a security key subtag and when I send the data a new security tag security key is generated. To be able to send the data, I need the PUT method, which the extension doesn't have. Is there any way to get an update from your extension with the PUT method, and also if possible add a timing method so background requests can be paused automatically? If this comes at an additional cost, please let me know. Thanks

nice extension does it have calculation of the path between two different points

for example like in google maps it shows you the way between the points + distance and let's say based on some formula the average time for ETA ?

if so or you can add these feature then you have me guaranteed customer

yes I can add PUT functionality...
and I also can provide it for free in case you are ready to show us a screenshot of your relevant blocks how you use the Firebase API to store the information in Firebase

please elaborate on this more in detail...


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the purpose of this extension is

This extension is able to run in the background while your app is closed and stores location data (latitude, longitude and optionally current datetime, altitude, accuracy, speed, current address and provider) in TinyDB.
Also a background web functionality is available
which can be used to send the location data to a web service of your choice using a POST request.

sorry, this is out of scope of this extension...
for your purposes use the location sensor directly... also you might want to use the web component together with an API with which is able to calculate what you need, Google might have something to offer...


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Hi, these are my blocks.

blocks - 2022-03-17T014750.842

Captura de tela 2022-03-17 014531

this is the result with the post method, (coordinates are not real) generates more than one tag with braces, so I need the put method. Already related to timing I wanted the component of maximum time in thousandths or better maximum distance in km that the service can run, as soon as the time or distance is reached at a point it will be killed. Thanks

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I have the same problem. Taifun, is it possible for you to add the PUT method?

the PUT method is currently in test
please send me an email, so I can send you the test version


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hi, I really liked this extension, thank you very much to the developer, I just wanted you to add the option to limit the activation of the extension service in the background by time or distance, as many people forget to close the extension service within the app or in the notification , which ends up generating costs due to high unnecessary use. Is there any way to add it? Thanks

thank you for the suggestion, I sent you an email to discuss this more in detail

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thanks, i will give you more details