[PAID] 💲 In-App Billing : Advance Billing Extension (V6.1.0)

It belongs to @iamwsumit

Thank you so much

If you bought an extension from AI2 Store, you are using @iamwsumit's in-app billing extension and not Jewel's. The icon of the extension you showed looks different.

I can't seem to find an App Inventor topic of Sumit's in-app billing extension. It's published in Kodular Community though. You might want to message Sumit privately regarding this matter.

Thank you , Jewel is helping me now, I have to use the google play billing on that

I want to purchase this extension.

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Hello @J_o_h_n_E2023, I've sent you the extension with tutorial videos via WhatsApp.
(Thanks for purchased the awesome extension)

i need another one because i have 2 Accounts at MIT

Please text me on Telegram/WhatsApp

Do you have the code for Android Studio of Google Play Billing v6. based on kotlin?

Yes, I can write Java and Kotlin both.

:loudspeaker: SDK updated to V6.1.0 (Latest)

  • Extension size increased 182 KB.

(Read release notes for more information → Release Notes)

Hi Jewel, since your extension is Paid and you mostly interact with your customers personally (not on community), it isnt necessary to write release notes on every new post for each extension. You can just edit your first post.

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I too am interested in purchasing this extension .. is it still available?

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Yes it's available with latest SDK V6.1.0.
I've wrote you on PM, please reply me there.

Thank you. I received the AIX just fine. I look forward to getting this setup and running in my app.

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All payments handled by Google. Google may ask you to enable international transactions for your card.

Ok so your aix or aab will allow me to add monthly quarterly and yearly subscriptions? Is yes please show in video.

I've already told you that all payments is handled by Google. Google allowed you to make subscriptions like monthly/yearly. If you want to use their in-app-billing library so you must have to publish your app into play console. So you can create your own planned subscriptions and in-app product item.

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So do I still need yours? I want the easiest and best.

My extension provides all of features of latest SDK V6.1.0. If you're familiar with play console and you know that how to create and sell products using in-app-billing system, so ths aix will be best option for you.