[PAID] IMAPClient: Extension to read emails from IMAP server [$6 or INR 351]


Description: This extension can be used to read emails from imap server.Although it is primarily for reading emails but some minor writing is also supported.
Latest Version: 2
Released: 2021-04-25T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2024-01-28T18:30:00Z




ConnectedEvent raised after connection successful with server
DisconnectedEvent raised when disconnected from server
FolderStateChangedEvent raised when currently opened folder's state changes
state | text
ReceivedNotificationEvent raised when server send a notification
This does not indicate new messages
type | number
message | text
GotErrorEvent raised when error occurs
methodName | text
errorMessage | text
GotSubjectListEvent raised after getting subjects list
subjectList | list
RetrievedMessagesEvent raised after retrieving messages
GotMessageInfoEvent raised after getting message info as dictionary
infoDictionary | dictionary
ReceivedNewMessageEvent raised after getting new messages
id | number
GotFoldersListEvent raised after getting folders list
list | list
GotFlagsListEvent raised after getting flags list
flagsList | list
ClosedEvent raised when server closes the connection
GotSearchResultEvent raised after getting search result. Returns a list of ids which can be used to retrieve message using GetMessageInfo function.
resultsList | list
GotUnreadMessagesEvent raised after getting unread messages. Returns a list of ids which can be used to retrieve message using GetMessageInfo function.
resultsList | list


MessagesCountReturns messages count from folder which is currently open.
IsConnectedReturns true if currently connected to server
ConnectTries to connect to the server
host | text
port | number
protocol | text
userName | text
password | text
DisconnectCloses opened folder and then disconnects from server
GetFoldersListTries to get list of folders with given filter
Possible Filters: empty text , * , %
filter | text
OpenFolderTries to open folder with given mode and triggers FolderStateChanged event if successful
folderName | text
mode | number
CloseFolderCloses currently opened folder
GetSubjectListGets subject's list within range
from = 0 and to = 0 means all message's subjects will be retrieved
from | number
to | number
RetrieveMessagesRetrieves messages within given range
from | number
to | number
SetFlagSets flag on given message
id | number
flag | number
GetMessageFlagsTries to get given message's flags
Useful if you want to filter messages using flags
id | number
GetMessageInfoGets given message's information
id | number
SearchSearch messages using various filters like range (ex: 1;10 will search in messages between first and tenth message from starting. If set to 0 then searched in all messages.)
range | text
term | text
inSubject | boolean
inFrom | boolean
inContent | boolean
GetUnreadMessagesGets all unread messages in the specified range (in format 1;10)
range | text


Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
Property Type : read-write
Accepts : boolean


UPI: vknow360@apl
Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Version 1.1
  • Fixed bug in GetFolderList which was returning an appended list of folders
ChangeLog v2

Hope it helps!


Nice :slightly_smiling_face: extension @vknow360


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You should have received the mail.

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Actually, first you will have to select the folder from list and then click on OpenFolder.
After that you can get messages.
Flow should be like this:
Get Folders list
Open Folder
Get Subject List
Open that specific message
Get the message info

One thing you should note that only messages which have been retrieved can be opened.
So you need to retrieve subject list and messages alternately.

Ok, the email is raw email.

Message Info is a dictionary and body can be html.

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You just missed commission of PayPal.

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Please, I've tryed this test apk, and once I introduce the connection details, it apparently works when I click on the "Connect" botton (it appears the "+OK POP3 ready"), but after that, when I click on the "Folder List" botton, the "Not connected" message appears... Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance.

This should not appear as extension uses IMAP and not POP3.
Can you show a video of error?

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Thank you for your interest.

I've finally solved the problem (I wasn't working with the right details to connect). Sorry for that.

The thing is that an error window appears now when I click on the "Getlist" button (I've previously chosen the folder, and the app is able to count the number of messages, so I think everything is working properly at that time). The error window says:

"Select list item: List index too large
Select list item: Attempt to get item number 2 of a list of length 1:[""]"

This is the screenshot:

Can you please help me with that?

Thank you again!

After selecting folder you need to list subjects first, for that you need to define a range such as 1 to 50 in the textbox as 1;50 only then you should call GetSList.
I think you should buy the extension to learn more about its usage.

However, test apk is no longer available.

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Thank you!

Ok. I agree. Please, let me know how to buy it.

ChangeLog Version 1.1

  • Fixed bug in GetFolderList which was returning an appended list of folders
    Reported by @bernat_bernat
1 Like

Hi, please. How do can body be html?

I don't know why, but although I've tryed many combinations to make it work,I was unable to create an apk where TaifunMail (to send emails) and IMAPClient (to read emails) can work together. They work fine together under Companion, but once you try to create an apk, App Inventor is unable to compile the project, and an error message appears.

Any suggestion?

Thank you!


There is a no-deps version also there.
However, I can't assure its compatibility with other extensions.
Why not try this? (compatible)

Thank you.
I've tried again.... And it happens the same: it works fine under Companion, but unable to compile the project.

I'll appreciate any suggestion you can provide.

Please, can you please create a quick draft app (and its .apk) with those two extensions to make sure they can work together?

Thank you again.

Did you use this aix?

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