[PAID] Gemini Extension to interact with the Gemini-pro model from Google


The Gemini extension for AI2 allows you to interact with the Google Gemini-Pro, Gemini-Pro-Vision, and Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking models, including models that Bard is based on, to generate text and control a stream of text generation.

Features of the Gemini Extension for AI2:

  • Text Generation with Gemini API: Leverage the power of Google Gemini API for advanced text generation within your AI2 applications. Includes support for various Gemini models, including Gemini-Pro, Gemini-Pro-Vision, and Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking.

  • Streaming Text Generation: Experience real-time text generation with streaming capabilities, providing immediate feedback and a more interactive user experience.

  • Vision Capabilities (Image & Video Support):

    • Generate Text with Images: Incorporate images into your prompts to create multimodal AI interactions.
    • Video Thumbnail Generation: Extract and utilize video thumbnails for richer content processing.
    • PDF Processing from URL: Process and generate content from PDF files directly from web URLs.
    • PDF Processing from Local Path: Process and generate content from PDF files stored on the device's local storage.
  • Audio Processing from Local Path: Process and generate content from audio files stored on the device's local storage.

  • Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking Model Support: Access and utilize the faster and more efficient Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking model for rapid text generation tasks.

  • Code Execution Support: (Optional) Enable code execution within Gemini API requests for dynamic and interactive responses.

  • Structured Output with JSON Schema: Define JSON Schemas to ensure structured and predictable output from the Gemini API, ideal for data-driven applications.

  • File Handling & Encoding:

    • Base64 Encoding for Files (Optimized & Standard): Efficiently encode various file types (images, videos, PDFs, general files) to Base64 for API compatibility. Includes optimized fast encoding and standard encoding options.
    • File Path & URI Handling: Robustly handle file paths and content URIs to access local files for processing.
    • MIME Type Detection: Automatically detect MIME types for files to ensure correct data handling with the Gemini API.
  • PaLM API Integration (Text Generation): Includes support for the Google PaLM API for text generation, offering flexibility and access to different models.

  • Model Listing: Fetch and display a list of available Gemini models directly within your AI2 app.

  • Stream Control (Stop/Open Stream): Provide user control over streaming processes with functions to start, stop, and manage active streams.

  • Error Handling & Events: Gracefully handle API errors, JSON parsing issues, and file processing errors, providing informative error events for debugging. Includes events for stream completion (StreamFinished) and manual stream stopping (StoppedStream).

  • Asynchronous Operations: All API interactions and file processing are handled asynchronously to prevent blocking the UI thread and ensure app responsiveness.

Benefits of using the Gemini Extension:

  • Unlock Advanced AI Capabilities: Easily integrate cutting-edge AI text and multimodal generation into your App Inventor projects without complex coding, now with support for even faster models.

  • Enhanced User Engagement: Streaming responses and interactive features create more dynamic and engaging user experiences.

  • Versatile Content Creation: Generate diverse content formats, from text and code to responses based on images, videos, PDFs, and audio, from both web URLs and local storage.

  • Structured Data Handling: Utilize JSON Schema to create applications that reliably process and generate structured data.

  • Simplified File Integration (Local & Web): Seamlessly work with local files and web-based files (images, videos, PDFs, audio, etc.) within your AI2 apps for richer AI interactions.

  • Flexibility with Multiple APIs & Models: Access both Gemini and PaLM APIs, and choose between different Gemini models including the fast Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking, selecting the best option for your specific needs and performance requirements.

  • Easy to Use & Extensible: Designed for ease of use within the App Inventor environment, while providing a foundation for future feature expansions.

Here are some specific examples of how the Gemini Extension can be used:

  • Intelligent Chatbots & Virtual Assistants: Build sophisticated chatbots that understand text, images, and now audio, providing context-aware and engaging conversations.

  • Content Generation Tools: Create apps that generate articles, social media posts, product descriptions, creative stories, and more, with or without image, PDF, or audio prompts.

  • Image & Video Analysis Applications: Develop apps that analyze images and videos, extracting information and generating relevant text descriptions or summaries.

  • Document Processing & Summarization (Local & Web): Build tools to process PDF documents from URLs or local storage, extracting key information and generating summaries or answering questions based on the content.

  • Audio Analysis & Transcription Apps: Create applications that can process local audio files to generate text transcriptions, summaries, or answer questions based on audio content.

  • Code Generation & Assistance Tools: Create applications that can generate code snippets or provide coding assistance with optional code execution capabilities.

  • Data Extraction & Structuring Apps: Develop apps that extract information from unstructured text or multimodal inputs and output structured JSON data according to predefined schemas.

  • Educational & Creative Apps: Design interactive learning experiences, story generators, and creative tools that leverage the power of AI for enhanced engagement and personalization across various media types.

The potential applications are vast and limited only by your imagination!



Generating Content

To generate content using Gemini, you can use the GenerateGeminiContent block. This block takes two arguments:

  • modelName (String): The name of the Gemini model to use (e.g., "gemini-1.5-flash") check this docs.

  • apiKey (String): Your Google API key.

  • contents: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a content item. Each content item can have ,
    So the JSON input for contents will be like this

          "text": "Write the first line of a story about a magic backpack."}]},
        {"role": "model",
           "text": "In the bustling city of Meadow brook, lived a young girl named Sophie. She was a bright and curious soul with an imaginative mind."}]},
        {"role": "user",
           "text": "Can you set it in a quiet village in 1600s France?"}]},

Blocks example:
old Block: for explanation

the following keys:
* role: A string representing the role of the content item in the conversation.
* parts: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a part of the content item. Each part can have the following keys:
* text: A string representing the text of the part.

The GenerateGeminiContent block will generate content using the specified parameters and return the result in the RespondedToGemini event.

The RespondedToGemini event will be triggered with the following parameters:

  • apiResponse: The raw API response from Gemini.
  • textParts: A list of strings representing the generated text parts.
  • role: The role of the generated content.
  • finishReason: The reason why the generation was finished.
  • index: The index of the generated content.
  • safetyRatings: A list of dictionaries representing the safety ratings of the generated content. Each dictionary will have the following keys:
    • category: The category of the safety rating.
    • probability: The probability of the safety rating.

Function: StreamGenerateGeminiContent


Stream generate content using the Google Gemini API with optional Code Execution. Provides a streaming response for text and code, with code execution capability.


  • contents: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a content item. Each content item can have the following keys:
    • role: A string representing the role of the content item in the conversation.
    • parts: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a part of the content item. Each part can have the following keys:
      • text: A string representing the text of the part. so the JSON input for contents will be like this
           "text": "Write the first line of a story about a magic backpack."}]},
        {"role": "model",
           "text": "In the bustling city of Meadow Brook, lived a young girl named Sophie. She was a bright and curious soul with an imaginative mind."}]},
        {"role": "user",
           "text": "Can you set it in a quiet village in 1600s France?"}]},

Blocks examble
old Block: for explanation


  1. Asynchronously initiates streaming content generation from the specified Gemini API model.
  2. Constructs API request from contents, including optional tools for code execution if enableCodeExecution is true.
  3. Receives streamed responses via Server-Sent Events (SSE).
  4. For each chunk, extracts text and/or executable code blocks.
  5. Calls GotGeminiStream(textValue) on UI thread with combined text and formatted code blocks (using Markdown code fences).
  6. Calls StreamFinished() on UI thread upon stream completion.
  7. Calls ErrorOccurred(errorMessage, "Gemini") or ErrorOccurred(errorMessage, "Gemini-JSON") on UI thread for errors.


  • GotGeminiStream(textValue): Called on UI thread with each streamed chunk of text and code.
  • StreamFinished(): Called on UI thread when streaming is finished.
  • ErrorOccurred(errorMessage, "Gemini"): Called for general errors.
  • ErrorOccurred(errorMessage, "Gemini-JSON"): Called for JSON parsing errors during streaming.

Usage Notes:

  • For streaming text and code generation with Gemini API.
  • contents parameter allows for multi-turn conversations and image inputs.
  • Enable codeExecution for the model to potentially generate and execute code.
  • GotGeminiStream provides incremental content, including formatted code blocks.
  • Use StreamFinished to know when generation is complete.
  • Handle different ErrorOccurred callbacks for debugging.
  • Requires internet connection and valid API key. Model name must be specified.

GotGeminiStream` event.

Screenshot 2023-12-16 235605

The GotGeminiStream event will be triggered with the following parameter:

  • text: A string representing the generated text.

Screenshot 2023-12-16 235605

You can manually stop the stream using the StopStream block. The StoppedStream event will be triggered when the stream is stopped.

Screenshot 2023-12-16 235605

You can also check if the stream is currently running using the IsStreaming block.

Function: GenerateGeminiThinkingContent


Generate content using the Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking model. Retrieves the full response in one call.


  • prompt (String): Text prompt for content generation.
  • apiKey (String): Google Cloud API key.

Function: StreamGenerateGeminiThinkingContent


Stream generate content using the Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking model. Retrieves content in chunks for a responsive experience.


  • prompt (String): Text prompt for content generation.
  • apiKey (String): Google Cloud API key.


  1. Asynchronously initiates streaming content generation from Gemini API.
  2. Receives content in chunks via Server-Sent Events (SSE).
  3. Calls GotGeminiStream(textValue) on UI thread for each chunk.
  4. Calls StreamFinished() on UI thread when streaming completes.
  5. Calls ErrorOccurred(errorMessage, "GeminiThinking") or ErrorOccurred(errorMessage, "GeminiThinking-JSON") on UI thread if error.

Function: StreamGenerateContentFromPdfUrl


Stream generate content from a PDF URL using the Google Gemini API (Streaming). Processes a PDF from a URL, uploads it to the Gemini API, and streams the generated content in chunks.


  • pdfUrl (String): URL of the PDF file to process.
  • prompt (String): Text prompt to guide content generation based on the PDF content.
  • apiKey (String): Google Cloud API key.
  • modelName (String): Gemini model name (e.g., "gemini-pro-vision").

Function: StreamGenerateGeminiStructuredContent


Stream generate structured content using the Google Gemini API. The response will be formatted according to the provided JSON schema. Streams content from Gemini API, enforcing a JSON schema for structured output.


  • contents (YailList of YailDictionary): List of content turns, same format as StreamGenerateGeminiContent.
  • apiKey (String): Google Cloud API key.
  • modelName (String): Gemini model name (e.g., "gemini-pro").
  • scheme (String): JSON Schema string defining the desired structure of the API response. This schema can be created using CreateJsonSchema.

Usage Notes:

  • Use this function to get structured JSON output from the Gemini API, streamed in chunks.
  • Provide a valid JSON Schema string as the scheme parameter to define the desired output structure.
  • The Gemini API will attempt to format its response according to the provided schema.
  • GotGeminiStream will provide chunks of text that, when combined, should form a valid JSON object matching the schema.
  • Use CreateJsonSchema to easily create the scheme parameter.
  • Requires internet connection, valid API key, and a Gemini model that supports structured output.

Function: CreateJsonSchema


Create a JSON Schema string for structured output. Builds a JSON Schema based on provided property names, types, descriptions, and required properties.


  • propertyNames (YailList of String): List of property names for the JSON schema.
  • propertyTypes (YailList of String): List of property types corresponding to propertyNames (e.g., "string", "number", "array"). Supported types: "string", "number", "array", "boolean", "integer", "object".
  • propertyDescriptions (YailList of String): List of descriptions for each property. Can be empty strings or null for default descriptions.
  • requiredProperties (YailList of String): List of property names that are required in the JSON output.

Function: StreamGenerateContentFromLocalPdfPath


Stream generate content from a PDF from a local file path using the Google Gemini API (Streaming). Processes a PDF from the device's local storage, uploads it to the Gemini API, and streams the generated content in chunks.

Function: StreamGenerateContentFromLocalAudioPath


Stream generate content from audio from a local file path using the Google Gemini API (Streaming). Processes an audio file from the device's local storage, uploads it to the Gemini API, and streams the generated content in chunks.


  • audioPath (String): The absolute file path to the audio file on the device's local storage. App needs storage permissions to access this path.
  • prompt (String): Text prompt to guide content generation based on the audio content.
  • apiKey (String): Google Cloud API key.
  • modelName (String): Gemini model name (e.g., "gemini-pro-vision", or a model suitable for audio processing if available in the future).

Generating Content with Images

To generate content using images, you can use the StreamGenerateGeminiVisionContent block. This block takes two arguments:

  • contents: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a content item. Each content item can have the following keys:
    • role: A string representing the role of the content item in the conversation.
    • parts: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a part of the content item. Each part can have the following keys:
      • text: A string representing the text of the part.
      • inlineData: A dictionary representing inline data, such as an image. The inlineData dictionary can have the following keys:
        • mimeType: The MIME type of the inline data.
        • data: The base64-encoded data of the inline data.
          So the JSON input for contents will be like this
         "text": "Describe what the people are doing in this image:\n"
         "inlineData": {
           "mimeType": "image/png",
           "data": "'$(base64 -w0 image0.jpeg)'"
         "text": " "

Blocks example:
old Block: for explanation

  • api key: Your Google Cloud API key.

Screenshot 2023-12-16 235605

The StreamGenerateGeminiVisionContent block will open a stream of content generation using the specified parameters. The generated content will be returned in the GotGeminiStream event.

This function sends a streaming request to the Google Gemini API to generate content based on the provided files and text.


  • apiKey (String): Your Google API key.

  • modelName (String): The name of the Gemini model to use (e.g., "gemini-1.5-flash") check this docs.

  • fileBase64List (YailList): A list of strings containing the Base64 encoded data of the files.

  • mimeTypeList (YailList): A list of strings containing the MIME types of the files in fileBase64List. The order of MIME types must correspond to the order of files.

  • additionalText (String): Any additional text to include in the request.


This function retrieves a list of available Gemini model names from the Google Gemini API.


  • apiKey (String): Your Google API key.


  • GotGeminiModelNames(List modelNames): This event is triggered when the API request is successful and the list of model names is retrieved. The modelNames parameter contains the list of model names as strings.


  • ErrorOccurred(String message, String component): This event is triggered if an error occurs during the API request.

Encoding Images to Base64

The EncodeImageToBase64 block can be used to encode an image file to Base64 with the -w0 option, which removes all line breaks from the encoded string. This can be useful for sending images to the Gemini API.

The EncodeImageToBase64 block takes one argument:

  • imagePath: The path to the image file.

The EncodeImageToBase64 block will return the base64-encoded image as a string.

Error Handling

Screenshot 2023-12-16 235605

The ErrorOccurred event will be triggered if an error occurs while using the Gemini extension. The event will be triggered with the following parameters:

  • message: A string describing the error.
  • component: The name of the component that caused the error.


Here is an example of how to use the Gemini extension to generate text:

contents = [{"role": "user", "parts": [{"text": "Hello, Gemini!"}]}]
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
GenerateGeminiContent(contents, api_key)


Here is an example of how to use the Gemini extension to generate text in a stream:

contents = [{"role": "user", "parts": [{"text": "Hello, Gemini!"}]}]
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
StreamGenerateGeminiContent(contents, api_key)


Here is an example of how to use the Gemini extension to generate text with images:

contents = [
    "role": "user",
    "parts": [
      {"text": "Here is an image of a cat:"},
      {"inlineData": {"mimeType": "image/jpeg", "data": base64_image}}

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"


Here is an example of how to use the Gemini extension to generate text with images in FreeForm Prompt:

you can use this extension to convert the TextBox component to FreeForm layout :

contents = [
      "parts": [
          "text": "Describe what the people are doing in this image:\n"
          "inlineData": {
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "data": "'$(base64 -w0 image0.jpeg)'"
          "text": "\nand what is the relation between this is mage to \n"
          "inlineData": {
            "mimeType": "image/webp",
            "data": "'$(base64 -w0 image1.webp)'"

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"


Freeform preview example:

Screenshot 2023-12-18 004254

PaLM_2 blocks palm




PaLM 2
PaLM 2 is a large language model (LLM) developed by Google that can perform various tasks involving natural language understanding and generation, such as reasoning, coding, mathematics, and multilingual translation. It is an improved version of PaLM, which was released in 2022. PaLM 2 is based on three main innovations: compute-optimal scaling, improved dataset mixture, and updated model architecture and objective. PaLM 2 is also used in other generative AI tools, such as the PaLM API and Bard

Applications that use this extension :

videos preview:


Check the comparison between PAID and FREE file :point_down:


Price: $5.99
PayPal payment URL: Purchase Gemini.aix , After payment you will be directed to the download URL so you do not have to contact me to get the extension file however you can contact me in case of any Any help or problem

Gemini_Mini.aix (11.6 KB)

Have Inquiries?

For any queries regarding the Gemini extension, feel free to reach out at PM

Note :

**You can try Gemini and get your API key from here


PaLM 2 NewBlocks added

1 Like

Hi, I just paid for gemini.aix but it sent me chatGPT.aix


@Long_Cao I have sent you the file of Gemini. aix and I thank you for reporting this issue
and for ChatGpt.aix it's yours cause this is my fault not yours

1 Like

I just made payment via "Gemini.aix".

I paid for Gemini.aix today, but I was not directed to the website to download the file.


I sent a private message and also tried via chat, but I still couldn't speak to "Cavaleiro_Negro".

I think "Black_Knight" is the extension author, not the one you said.
Oh wait you traslated the author's name, you obviously won't be able to send a message to them! Send it to "Black_Knight" (and do not translate the name please)...

Sorry for this error, the author of the extension is "Black_Knight". Thanks!

1 Like

You're welcome.

I would like help in contacting "Black_Knight". I already sent a private message, tried via chat, but I was unsuccessful. I purchased the "Gemini.aix" extension, but after payment I was not directed to download the file.

@Black_Knight also gets messages if you post something here in this thread
just be patient


Thank you very much for your help, I will wait for the answer

Firstly I am very sorry for my very late reply and for this bad situation I was very busy with my military missions at the last of those days and you

You can Contact me again here and I will solve your problem

Send me the URL to download the extension and everything will be resolved.

Thank you very much for sending me the file. If I have any questions about the application, I will post them here.

1 Like

You are welcome man !

Ok you can ask if you want any thing about it

New update for the Extension to meet the latest updates of the Gemini API .

Here's a summary of the updates made to the Gemini.aix compared to the initial version.

1. Model Selection:

  • The GenerateGeminiContent, StreamGenerateGeminiContent, and functions now all accept a modelName parameter, allowing the user to specify which Gemini model to use for the request. This provides flexibility in choosing the appropriate model for different tasks.

2. StreamGenerateGeminiFileContentFromBase64 Function:

  • New Function: A new function called StreamGenerateGeminiFileContentFromBase64 has been added.

  • Base64 File Input: This function accepts a list of Base64 encoded files (fileBase64List) and a corresponding list of MIME types (mimeTypeList).

  • Generic File Handling: It handles various file types (not just images) by using the MIME type information.

  • Streaming Response: It uses streaming to receive the response from the Gemini API and triggers the GotGeminiStream event for each chunk of text received.

3. GetGeminiModelNames Function:

  • New Function: A new function called GetGeminiModelNames has been added.

  • Retrieving Model Names: It retrieves a list of available Gemini model names from the API and triggers the GotGeminiModelNames event with the list.

4. GetFilePathFromDataURI Function:

  • New Function: A new function called GetFilePathFromDataURI has been added.

  • Data URI to File Path: It converts a Data URI (representing a file) to a local file path. It handles content://, file://, and data:// URI schemes.

5. getMimeType Function:

  • New Function: A new function called getMimeType has been added.

  • Get MIME Type: It takes a file path as input and returns the MIME type of the file using Files.probeContentType(path).

6. Code Cleanup and Improvements:

  • Removed Redundant Parameter: The contents parameter in the StreamGenerateGeminiVisionContentFromPathsAndText function was removed as it became unnecessary after adding separate parameters for images and text.

  • Error Handling: The code now includes more robust error handling, using try-catch blocks and triggering the ErrorOccurred event when necessary.

Overall, the updated code is more versatile, efficient, and user-friendly:

  • More Features: It provides functions to retrieve model names, handle various file types, and work with Data URIs.

  • Flexibility: Users can now choose specific Gemini models and send different file types to the API.

  • Efficiency: Streaming responses allow for better handling of large data.

  • Improved Usability: The code is more organized and includes better documentation and error handling.

These updates enhance the functionality and make the extension more useful for a wider range of applications within App Inventor.

If any one interested of this competition AI event from google