[Paid] 🌟 ChatGPT extension to create fantastic conversations with ChatGPT

So when I try to do that my MIT app companion on the phone just kicks out of the screen

What should I do to make this not happen?

Is there any way I can set the max_tokens and the temperature when using .requestChatGPTVision?

What are the choiceIndex, promptTokens, completionTokens, and totalTokens in .RespondedtoChat block?

my code is still not working please help

for imageURLs, can I use the image taken from the camera or a image stored in the phone?

In the next update, I will add the option to add image as base64 code

New Update to deal with image files paths


@Black_Knight , Could you update the zip file since I bought the new version but there is only the aia file in it and there is no aix file? Thank you.

I have sent you the extension check your PM .

Thanks for reporting this problem and I hope you find my extension useful for your word