[PAID] Chat App: Fully Built Private chat(Individual Chat) AIA


  • Build a Private chat app by just modifying the aia
  • Add custom features and publish on Play Store
  • The aia offers a chat app built with a cool gradient ui
  • You can send messages individually to a user
  • Filter the messages


Import the Chat App AIA
No need to modify anything!
If you want to add notifications then modify the code for the push notifications with your CloudDB token
For more info see my Push Notification AIA post
CloudDB, the instance provided by MIT, is really for testing/demo purposes only! You should setup your own redis server if creating an app for production (e.g. available on Google Play Store)

How to use?
Enter your name in the senders name field
Enter your friend's name in the receiver field
Enter the message and click send
When your friend will click on the chat history icon he/she will see your message along with the date and time when it was sent
The chat history button is more like your wall in Facebook where you see posts from different people
You can filter the messages by the filter bar on the top

AIA Download link

The AIA is on sale for only 25$ Please don't read the last line!
You can pay and get the AIA instantly upon purchase!
Secret: Use code DISCOUNT in the cart to get a special off!

Dont forget to use code DISCOUNT in check out

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