[PAID] AwsS3Client: Extension to use Amazon S3 and similar Storage Services [$10 or INR 701]

1. Introduction

Thanks to @3dmixer for sponsoring the extension

Description: This extension is for using AWS S3 and similar Storage Services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
Latest Version: 1.1
Released: 2023-05-04T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2023-11-08T18:30:00Z

2. Blocks







GotError Event raised when any error occurs
methodName | text
errorMessage | text
UploadProgressChanged Event raised when uploading progress changes
progress | number
FileUploaded Event after when file uploading gets completed
key | text
fileUrl | text
DownloadProgressChanged Event raised when downloading progress changes
progress | number
FileDownloaded Event raised after file is downloaded
filePath | text
BucketCreated Event raised after bucket is created
bucketName | text
ObjectCopied Event raised after object is copied
successful | boolean
BucketDeleted Event raised after bucket is deleted and returns result
successful | boolean
FileDeleted Event raised after file is deleted and returns result
successful | boolean
GotBucketsList Event raised after buckets list is obtained
buckets | list
GotObjectsList Event raised after objects list is obtained
objects | list


Init Initializes AmazonS3 Client
accessKey | text
secretKey | text
UploadFile Uploads file to the given bucket
bucketName | text
filePath | text
remoteFileName | text
DownloadFile Downloads file from given bucket
bucketName | text
fileName | text
localFilePath | text
CreateBucket Creates a new bucket
bucketName | text
CopyObject Copies an object from one bucket to another
fromBucket | text
fromFileName | text
toBucket | text
toFileName | text
DeleteBucket Tries to delete given bucket
bucketName | text
DeleteFile Tries to delete file from given bucket
bucketName | text
fileName | text
ListBuckets Tries to get buckets list
GetObjectsList Tries to get objects list from given bucket
bucketName | text


Region Sets S3 region
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text
EndpointUrl Sets S3 endpoint url
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text
PathStyledAccess Enables path styled endpoint urls
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : boolean

4. Purchase

You can pay via PayPal.

Upi: vknow360@apl

To pay via crypto, please PM me.
After payment, contact me to get the aix.

Hope it helps!


how to purchase this extension?

Hi @Abi_Marwa_Hapid ,
You can pay via PayPal.

After payment please pm me your e-mail address.

does this extension require a premium version of kodular?

No, nothing to do with that.

Amazon aws s3 is something like google drive?

Maybe better in some cases.
It is a storage service and mostly I have seen it used with Discourse.

ChangeLog Version 1.1

It should now work with all Storage providers which use S3 api.
Currently tested and confirmed:

ChangeLog Version 1.2

  • UploadFile block now accepts Content URIs as well as File Path