Page Unresponsive

Good Day, please help, I opened my MIT project but I can't proceed it is loading for a long time and not letting me edit.

It says wait page unresponsive

I guess you use very large assets. I see a number of mp3 files in your media pane.

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Use this URL to open your Project List.

From there you can select and export your project without opening it.
You can also start a new Project without so much Media content.

Yes I have a lot of MP3 files in my Project, is it possible to open that project and delete some of my MP3 files?

I will try this link I hope I can export my project I want to delete some of my media files for smooth loading, I am not finished with my project yet.

I just opened the link and when I selected my project and tried to export the aia file, it's not doing anything.

Try to use dynamic method to save and get the files from any server if possible. This load cannot be handled by Builder.

What dynamic method can you suggest?

Use files from server not by uploading in the ai2 app inventor

What dynamic method can you suggest?
Is there any possible way to open my app again? so that I can edit and remove some of my media.

So it still didn't work to get your aia even after waiting a long time with the method ABG suggested?

Yes after I clicked export aia, it is still not downloading the file.

It could be that it is to much for the server to handle. It has to get all your data and generate an aia.

Do you have an Idea How long will it takes to download? It is still not downloading.

I don't know how big your project is. Changes are that you have to start anew.

These are some solutions if you need a real big apk or aab file.

Can you able to show us your nternet speed on

If they have time, one of the devs from MIT may be able to extract your aia project from their servers. You would need to send (by private message) them your username (email used to sign in to AI2, not the community) and the names of a few projects, including the one causing a problem, so that they can identify the account and files)

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Have you previously made a copy of your Project aia? If you have an earlier version of your Project, that version might load. You could work with it rather than starting your Project from scratch if MIT cannot recover your Project.

My internet speed is 59mbs I think this is one of the reasons aside from my large file.

Yes I have my older copy I exported it 2days ago.