Package Name for Google Play submission

I’m trying to upload an AI2 App to Google Play, to raise money for a charity. The App will be free, with a link to JustGiving.
I’ve completed all the requirements on the Google Play desktop (all green ticks) and I’m in Release Management—>App Releases, where it says “Android App Bundles & APKs to add”, so I click “Browse Files”. I then select “Virus_Chase_02.apk” which was created from Build in AI2.
I get "Upload Failed, your APK or Android App Bundle needs to have the package name appinventor.ai_cjmcewen7075.Virus_Chase. I tried renaming the apk file as that name but I still get exactly the same!!

I hope this is a) in the correct place, b) clear but not too wordy

Help would be very much appreciated. Thankyou…Charlie

The package name is derived from the project name in App Inventor. You should rename your app Virus_Chase from Virus_Chase_02 (you can download the project, rename the file, and upload it again). Once you’ve done that, you will need to build the APK again to get the new package name.

Thank you. I don’t understand why that worked…but it did!

The package name in App Inventor is composed of three parts:

  • appinventor.ai_ prefix
  • The username part of your account name
  • The project name as it appears in the project list

When you previously uploaded your project to Google Play, it must have been from the project named Virus_Chase. A package name can’t be changed (changing it effectively means a new app), so when you try to upload a new build to Google Play, the names must match.

Thank you. I’m learning (slowly).

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