I don't think it has anything to do with the extension. It just provide the right sdk for showing the ads.
Better to Google how can you improve the impressions. Also, make sure you have set up app-ads.txt .
I don't think it has anything to do with the extension. It just provide the right sdk for showing the ads.
Better to Google how can you improve the impressions. Also, make sure you have set up app-ads.txt .
ads loading very slow, not loading in slow internet.
if ads not loded and you call show ads then app geting lag and crush.
Yeah, you cannot show the ads without being loaded.
You can ask in the google forum or look to the different threads where answer is already answered about the ads loading too slow...
Hello everyone,
I tried to put ads in my app which I published on google play.
First ads were not showing in the app directly downloaded from appinventor, but i saw this was "normal", but once the app is on google play, still nothing.
The test ads worked fine.
Can someone help me?
How did you change app id?
Do you just need to change it in androidmanifest.xml,
And how to change it in the extension made in niotron IDE?
Very good work.extension work perfectly.but when I use it with firebase notification extension or onesignal notification extension I am not able to compile apk.is their any solution?
I setup interstitial ad when user back presses and interstial ad shows but nothing is hapening but banner ads are working fine
how can i set it up properly
You might open another screen/activity after ad is dismissed.
This extension has been updated to latest version of sdk 21.2.0.
Since, there is a limit in the size of extension, I couldn't add all the sdks in a single extension. So, I split extension into two AdmobSdks and ExtraSdks.Now, It is compulsory to import, drag and drop two extensions AdmobSdks And ExtraSdks.
Documentation has been updated. More Updates on mediation extensions and more ad formats will be coming soon. Also, I will add admob-lite sdk soon that will only cost 1.5MB size of your application. Enjoy. Happy Dashain !!
What is the error are you getting?? Which and whose extensions are you using ??
app compile and shows add perfectly but when i trie to use following notification extension compiler shows error yail failed.cant compile app while generating apk file
SDK not initialize in android 12.
please fix it
who is the author of these extensions?
only the authors ares allowed to upload their extensions...
I now removed the extensions, please provide a link to the extensions instead
Hello, I have got "Unable to obtain a JavascriptEngine" error message while trying to load and show an interstitial ad. Any idea what could be the issue? Thanks for the replies. <3
I finally found the fix for this error message! You have to turn off any custom DNS or Proxy on your phone and have it on default or off.
i am getting this error: Cannot find the component: AdmobBanner1
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds. any ideas how to fix it?
Are you getting this error on companion ?
If yes, then please try apk after compiling.
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