October 20, 2022, 9:31pm
I was looking at another post and was hoping it will help me with my error but I just got a different one.
The 1st row is the Teams name
the following rows are the team members in this order
Players Name
Players Number
Players level
I am trying to load the Players name, players number and players level on different labels. or should I do it a different way?
I did try to separate the names, number, and levels to separate lists and then pull the information but that was giving me multiple errors
Here are my blocks, csv file and error i am getting.
Shark tank.csv (217 Bytes)
Thank you
October 20, 2022, 9:47pm
Your csv file content looks incorrectly formatted (as a .csv file)
Try this
sharkTank_revised.csv (206 Bytes)
Also when you get the text from the read file, use a list from csv table
instead of a text split block, then work with the list created to generate the data in labels
October 20, 2022, 10:24pm
Thank you for the quick response
The csv file I uploaded is the way it got saved on the following topic Saving to .csv file in a specific way
and that bring me to a different question.
what should I change on my previous topic to have the csv file saved that way?
I have changed the team name on the top and added the Name,Number,Level as suggested but it saves it all on the 1st column.
and a new error
Thank you
October 20, 2022, 10:29pm
Try the list from csv table block
October 20, 2022, 10:35pm
Thank again for the help
This is the new error now.
Sorry for all the questions but I am new to this.
Thank you
October 21, 2022, 1:03am
Thank you for the replies.
The app is for taking scores for a pool league. this portion is just to create teams, add and remove players to said team.
The reason I have Join > Team_Name_Add.text and .csv is so they can save each team and load each team on a different screen. a
I have included a screen shot of what I am tiring to achieve.
As for the .aia I think that will be more confusing but if you believe it will help I will upload it.
APA_8_Ball.aia (367.4 KB)
Again thank you for all your help
October 21, 2022, 9:42am
Looking again, you are not setting your csv correctly, nor handling correctly when reading it. Try blocks like this:
October 21, 2022, 7:48pm
Thanks for the replay but is this for the save or for loading?
When you changed the names it throws me off.
Id there a way to have the save or load open a dialog box so they can select what to load?
Thank you
October 22, 2022, 10:15pm
Thank you for all the replies. I have figured it out but I am sure there is an easier way to do some of the functions I did.
Thank you for al the help
October 22, 2022, 11:08pm
Ok so i just noticed I have \n disabled on the save so my list gets saved in 1 Row I guess I can live with that but how can I also add the \n to save it on each column.
When I add the \n it loads on the label with a space in front of the name or something as it brings it down. You can see player 1 is fine but after that it loads wrong and I am sure it has to do with it not understanding next column.
Thank you