Hi there, this post is just to let the community a problem I came across when trying to link a website trough a button. I did follow quite a few tutorials on how to get this behavior, everything went smoothly until I entered a website address into ActivityStarter1.DataUri without encryption that is without https.
I couldn't understand why I was getting an error. After reading and experimenting I found out that to be able to open a website using ActivityStarter1.DataUri the web address has to have encryption; http won't work it has to be https. Hope this information will help the community and avoid headaches and hair pulling
Hi TIMAI2, Hi SteveJG, the problem occurred when using Android version 6.0, thank you very much for your advise. From now on I will only try to use the latest Android version. I wish my problematic experience can help the community should they encounter a problem similar to what I experienced. Here are my blocks:
hello! i am new to mit app inventor i have a school project and i have to make a random app in mit inventor.but i did not know how to use it.
i made an app where we can order coffee online, but idk how to link the button to a website.
Just to register, I've tried exactly this way TIMAI2 posted, but instead a Button, I've inserted an Image, marked it as clicable and just changed the "when Button1 .Click" for "when Image .Click" and it worked just fine.