Open Source • Background Tasks: Itoo 🚀

I have two issues.

I open my app which runs a service in the background using Itoo after a while the notification of Itoo comes up. If you press it, it re-opens my app and I have two apps running (doubles my current screen). When I press the mobile's "back" button it goes back to my first app.
Is there a way to stop this ?

Also I can't use AI companion if Itoo is included in my app.

You can reprogram the notification click functionality using melon notification.


I found the blocks you are referring to but I'm not sure how to re-program.
My understanding is that if you click the notification it should open the app. If the app is already opened it re-opens another instance. I don't use any button and I don't want to run any Itoo procedure.

Also even if I fix this I will still have the same issue with the fixed Itoo notification that comes up from the CreateProcess block. If you click that it also opens another instance of the app

Why do I get this error every time I connect to MIT Companion:

I downloaded the latest version of Itoo extension

There currently is an issue with the companion app to load extensions, see also String IndexOutOfBounds Exception while using extensions in companion app - #65 by jis

However if you want to use itoo, you have to test after building and use the apk file anyway...
