Open screen with relevant inputs when reached at different geofence

There is predefine location uploaded by client, which user to select and go by navigation in app. And location uploaded will be shifted to geofence. Different location different task. Once task is completed notification will go or that details will be removed from list to not to reoperate by another user.
When user reach at predefined selected location or geofence by navigation, new screen will open with task what he to do at that location. Is it possible? If yes, please guide how to do same.

When multiple users need to access and filter different tasks in space and time, consider using the new Google Sheet component, making a sheet with these columns ...

  • Location (Lat/Long, Address, etc.)
  • Task sequence number
  • Task Description (Uncover Gas Main/Replace Main/Fill Hole/Pave Hole)
  • Scheduled Date
  • Completed Date
  • Worker
  • Equipment

You would need a separate row for each task associated with that location, to keep the job progress straight.

I left the Location description vague, because there is much room for discussion there.