Open PDF File AfterPicking Listview

Hi guys...

I have a project.
And in the project, I have uploaded several files (.pdf)

I also created a List based on the name of the file name using Listview

How should I arrange the blocks so that the file can open after picking?

Note: I've added the .pdf extension

this is my block :


How do you intend to view the pdf selected?

Pdf showing on another screen

and how will you display that pdf, do you have this resolved ?

I think the best way would be to use this extension.......

.......... by using a Web Viewer component, the pdf stays within the App.

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Hi Arief

When Screen2 Initialize? What happens on Screen1 (The King of the Screens)?

Hi Chris,

I already deleted it

and I have also finished what i asked

but, i have new problem...

and that new problem is ?

If you read all the documentation for the ViewPDF extension, you will have seen that you can set a path to the assets when in companion mode, but you need to use the ViewPdfAddOn extension to access the assets when compiled.

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