how to change the keyboard to only numbers in a text notifier?
Maybe you could use [Free] Releasing the Dialogs Extension - #176 by Helios - ClassicExtensions - Community and set input type to number
I will test, thanks!
did not solve. Don't type ., and cancel doesn't work.
have to accept accepts semicolons for decimals.
In the example does not accept
Ok then it doesn't work because it accepts only positive integers . Search community or Pura Vida Apps Extension Directory for another extension
in the text dialog I need to type only numbers (integers and decimals) so I need the "." (2.30, 7.99)
I have just done a bit of work on my Alt-Notifier extension, try this update:
metricrat.ai2.altnotifierV1.2.aix (14.5 KB)
Displays number keyboard, and provides: dot, comma and minus
Example output: -14,526.43
Tested companion, Android 12.
Perfect. It was what I needed. Thank you!
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