Ongoing AI Companion Issues: Troubleshooting Steps and Observations

I reset the page using Ctrl + Shift + R (I am using Chrome) and reinstalled the AI Companion after clearing its data. I also tried connecting with a different device, but the problem persists. I am using the default toolkit.

By the way, the screenshot you see is from the Screen.Initialize event. I am using the TaifunGoogleAccount extension and the CustomWebView extension by Sunny (many thanks to them for their great work!).

Just one other thing I would like to add: the .apk works fine, so I think this problem exists only with the AI Companion app. Can somebody help, please?

There is an issue with the companion app currently
Try this version

Remember: 2.73d1u is intended for ai2, not ai2-test and you will need the click the "Not Now" button.


Thank you for your reply. I am grateful for your help. I tried the link, but it didn’t work. However, I kept testing with different older versions of the AI Companion until I finally found that MIT AI2 Companion 2.70 started working for me.

Thanks again, much appreciated!