Offline version - allocated space on PC

I’m very happy user of the offline version of Ramiro. I started to use it because the size of my app was growing and i read that the online version has problem with large apps.
But while app was growing, i have seen that i need to eliminate other apps from the list because the space was no more enough to save the program (in fact I got error when saving or compiling) and I had to clean the recycle bin.
I have now eliminated almost everything but today i am having problems with the space again.
The app is not so large, just 1.5M, so I have the feeling that something strange is happening with the space available. It’s like the space has not been released completely.
So my question is:
Is there a way to clean the allocated space on PC?
Should I change the name of the user to create a new space?

What is Ramiro? Is it a third party version of App Inventor?

Developers can build apps up to an aia size of 10 Mb using ; with users can develop an app up to 50 Mb.

This doesn't answer your question but questions why you have to use Ramiro, Maybe there is a Forum dedicated to Ramiro... doesn't it make sense to ask your Ramiro question there?

Hope you get your issue fixed.

Hi SteveJG
i was sure Ramiro-pa was famous :smiley: he made the great offline version of ai2 which allows you to work without being connected to internet. See here
Probably I need to ask him

Here’s the discussion section at SourceForge …
I don’t see much in the way of answers here.

yes ABG, to post a question there i had to send an email to Ramiro. Let’s see what he will answer.

I'm also working with AI2Offline sometimes and I know this issue.
So sometimes that may happen after a while.
Save the last / current AIAs, delete the AI2Offline folder and install / unzip AI2Offline again.

thank Anke i will do it and will report the result.
offline version is great but lacking support :slight_smile:

I followed your tips and my Offline version works again like before :slight_smile: thanks

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