Offline connection driver

I am attempting to connect my Oppo A95 via USB to my pc but I cannot find a driver :frowning_face:

I start AI2Offline and I get a "aiStarter" error despite the fact it is running so ...
I started MIT ai2 online connection and have aiStarter from AI2Offline running and get the same result.

I am able to upload/download files from my phone easily (pc sees and did install appropriate driver).

P.S. I am in Philippines

Did you previously enable β†’ Developer options on your test device?

(β†’ Settings β†’ About phone β†’ Build number β†’ click it 7 times ...)

@Anke For me it is:
(β†’ Settings β†’ About phone β†’ Version β†’ Build number β†’ click it 7 times ...)
Did that and will test off line today

Now I hope I have something to give to you for all you have given to me.
I saw you saying you have to install/uninstall offline/online companion each time you switch? I hope I understood you clearly. I asked Ramiro if it were possible to change the name of the resultant app for offline companion so install/uninstall could become unnecessary and he agreed. The apk can be found at:

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It may depend on the device/manufacturer.
After enabling Developer options, then enable "USB debugging".

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OK found it and did that

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A sensible idea Wes, hope Ramiro makes the new APK the standard for his program.

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Is there a way to offer it to people here ? I would love to see it introduced

Thanks for the compliment. Was confusing to me when I tried to install offline companion and it wanted to overwrite my MIT online companion, first thought was "Why".

At the end of the day - no - it's mentioned here with a decent Topic Title and link. It's not a MIT App Inventor product and the only reason we have lent some of our precious support time on AI2Offline is because the people needing help are also Users of App Inventor. Sometimes we go a very long way supporting supplementary kit for micro controllers etc too - next, how about marital advice? :grin:

It is dangerous to offer executables APKs etc via a forum as they can be swapped-out with something malicious by one of the many who think damaging peoples devices or holding them to ransom is clever.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Best advice: go silent and turn down "listening" volume

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes why not. I think he'll leave it at that.

Ramiro changed the packageName to: β†’ com.rpa.ai2offline.companion

I had also changed the packageName of AI2Offfline and therefore had no problems with the Companion APK of AI2 online.

The app names don't matter. It's all about the packageNames and they have to be different, otherwise the apps will collide with each other. To get separate apps for AI2Online & AI2Offline, the packageNames must be different.

This ("HRMHR2") can not be the packageName of an app.

The packageName with AI2 is:

(if your appName is not equal to the projectName).

The name of the APK is the projectName. This has nothing to do with the packageName.

In my case the packageName e.g. for my app "relax" is:


The projectName must be relax (so the aia is: relax.aia).

I'm assuming the normal case, namely that the appName and the projectName are the same.

appinventor.ai_<email>.<appName> = appinventor.ai_<email>.<projectName>

Of course, you can.


Der Benutzer kann den App-Namen nicht Γ€ndern

To what extent. What do you mean by that?

Nur der Erfinder kann den App-Namen festlegen