Offline appinverter firebise not apk working help meee help mee

Same issue with my project. When Firebase component is added with my personal firebase credentials, the project is compiling, but when opened in mobile, immediately closing.
I am using offline

I'm Asking This question after trying many times.
when i use Firebase database component in my app with with my own token and also app inventor's the app closes immediately when i try to open on my phone.
I'm using ai2u and aioffline

eposta: private info removed by Mod

help me pls.. test.aia pls send testfirebiseoffline.aia thamk you

personal information removed, please respect the community rules...
also you might want to use a spell checker next time...


as it already has been said in the other thread (link provided by @dora_paz above)

using AI2Offline and firebase component doesn't work. App crash

which means, use App Inventor online if you want to use Firebase
I will close this thread.
