Does anyone knows whether we can get number pickers? If not, does anyone get Datepicker icon? I would like to use icon to create a screen and put buttons with arrows icon and textbox to create similar Picker.
After press button, there is a syntax for getfocus. However, there is no highlight the text in the texbox. Did I miss any component?
For the screen you’ve created to simulate your month-year picker, could you show the blocks you’re concerned about. You shouldn’t be getting a syntax error unless you’ve got an unfilled socket in a property setter.
I could create a screen and coding the month and year. I also created some producers to make Date from text to MIT format, MIT format to text for display and date calculationgs. I would like to create a pop up screen rather a new screen. If any power user get a clue for pop up screen, please let me know.
However, I need to learn how to submit the html into MIT app (local web page) and how to read the submit data from html and store into MIT app. Would you like to show me some tips?
I afraid I study too much and I mess up myself. haha…