Not able to pair HC 05

Why im able to pair a HC 05 with bluetooth LE but no with bluetootClient

I can connect with this

but no with this one

Hello @Ricardo_Garcia ,
you are the second guy asking, in a very few days, why the HC05 "seems" to connect the BLE while in effect it is a "classic" bluetooth device !
This is pretty weird ! As far as I (but also other PU's) know the HC05 is only capable to work in classic BT mode. It doesn't feature the BLE.
Then it seems that there is a batch of HC05 that is out of standard and works with BLE ? where you bought it ?

A couple of years ago I felt in troubles with a device that was pretty equal to a HC05 but it was a HC08 instead, and that device is BLE. !
So, can you double check what kind of HC'n' do you (really) have ?

In addition you can find a lot of examples on BT comm's in the web sites of other Power Users, like these two:

To solve more doubts you can use the Serial Bluetooth Terminal app downloadable free from Playstore. This app allows you to select the type of interface (BLE/Classic) and therefore you can detect which HC0'n' you really have... :thinking:

Best wishes.

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This Is a app from playstore and It says HC 05 but Is in the ble

Dear @Ricardo_Garcia,
this is really out of my knowledge: everywhere I search in the web to find info about a HC05 BLE, it returns that the HC05 is not a BLE !
The last doubt is: which Arduino board are you using ? (some of them have an integrated BLE, so they don't need an external BT shield and this could cause a conflict ?).
Probably the other PU's, expert in BT, are reading this post, and have a better idea ... :thinking:

PS Your phone is an Android, isn't it ? Because iPhones work only with BLE, therefore HCx aren't recognized. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe the HC is counterfeit?

Does its label peel off, revealing another label?

Where did you get it?

Im using a pic18f45k50 and i have a pixel phone, but i ve try with a huawei with the same results

Im from Mexico, i got it in a local store.

Dear Ricardo,
" Im using a pic18f45k50" ... but this means that you have a barebone CPU ? How have you connected it to a HC05 ? Do you have a development board anyway ? Can you please take a snapshot (possibly detailed) of all your hardware components ? So to allow us to read the part numbers of boards/shields/components ... ?
We do believe you that your phones are indicating a BLE connection, but, as far as know (and it seems also the other power users :fearful:) the HC05 isn't a BLE device.
For example the shield here below "seems" to be a HC05 (or a HC06, due to pins and all the other marking equal) but it is a hc08 BLE !!! :-1:

It has been supplied in a car-robot-kit that I've bought for my son a couple of xMas ago (really a nice gift, but before having it working I had to "discover" that the HC05 wasn't what it seemed).

And ..." Im from Mexico, i got it in a local store." are you sure that the seller wasn't Italian ???
Never trust them :sweat_smile:

So please post some photos. :thinking:

PS I'm Italian..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ...ciao ciao....