Not able to connect to the emulator

I am using aistarter 4.6 the emulator launches , asks me to install updates , at the end it says application not installed I click done reset connection , but nothing works I only get a blank screen.

can you explain more, and send us screenshots?

Hello and welcome Rita.

Are you using these Instructions?

Note in step 3, "If this is the first time you are using the emulator after installing the App Inventor Setup software, you will see a message asking you to update the emulator. Follow the directions on the screen to perform the update and reconnect the emulator. You will need to do this kind of update whenever there is a new version of the App Inventor software."

Then, you need to connect App Inventor with the emulator and load a Project.

Project> Emulator

Did you do that?

I use Mit a12 companion on the phone which is quick and easy access, but i recommed using a12 companion if it is your first time using the emulator