Non riesco più a far caricare il file CSV dalla mia app

Salve, mi è capitata una cosa stranissima.
Praticamente dopo aver fatto delle modifiche alla mia app; ho provveduto a salvare il mio apk sul nel momento in cui lo ho eseguita..non è riuscita più a caricare il file csv..dandomi un errore.
Lista_DVD_revised2.aia (58.2 KB)


what about revealing the error message you get?
also which Android version are you using for your tests?
are you aware concerning the new Android file access restrictions?
see also

If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
You probably will get more feedback then...

which means in your case post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...

To download the aia file, upload it to App Inventor, open it, do some bug hunting for you, etc... this takes time, and most people will not do that...
Thank you.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Salve Taifun, hai perfettamente ragione in riferimento al mio file AIA..richiederebbe troppo tempo per lavorarci sopra.
Comunque la mia versione di android è la numero 11.
Ti allego l'immagine della mia aia.

I did not ask for all the blocks, I asked for the relevant blocks...
also you forgot to tell us, which error message you get...


Se cambi i nomi dei file da / singolo a // (due slash) e imposti DefaultFileScope a Legacy (in Screen 1 Designer mode) dovresti risolvere il tuo problema.

see also this working example


Ho seguito il suo consiglio, ma non ha funzionato.
Grazie lo stesso.

Salve Taifun,
ho apportato tutte le modifiche alla mia app, tenendo presente i blocchi di codice del file purtroppo l'errore rimane.


Salve Taifun,
in pratica il salvataggio lo effettua e mi crea il file; ma non riesce a leggerlo..e mi dice che il Data Base è inesistente :pensiero: :pensiero: :pensiero:

Please write in English, see also here.

And create a simple test project (aia) that can reproduce the problem.
Also show us the error message.

practically with the companion I can both update the file and read it; but after creating the APK, after asking me to allow access to my multimedia files .. it tells me that the Data Base does not exist.

Ok, make a screenshot of the message.
But I think I know what happens.

Rename these paths (fileNames) by adding a 2 at the end:


Do not test with Companion, just build the APK and try.

It does not work :non divertito:

Good morning Anke,
despite having followed your advice, unfortunately I cannot solve my problem of reading the CSV file.

Try this (on your Android 11 test device):


Anke I tried your APK and it looks like it works. Could you please send me the AIA file?

I followed your advice .. and I inserted instead of "File" -> "AppendToFile", to be able to save chronologically in the csv .. but it gives me this error.

this is a known bug, see also here including workaround


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