Non mi fa caricare il file aab su Play Console

Non mi fa caricare il file aab su Play Console

Mi dice che: Il tuo Android App Bundle è firmato con la chiave sbagliata. Assicurati di firmarlo con la chiave di firma corretta e riprova.

Come posso cambiare la chiave? Si fa da app inventor?

There is no need to use CAPITAL letters, this is considered shouting! (Will edit title)

You should read or review this page about publishing to the Play Store. It sounds like you may have used one or more different services to publish your app previously and used a different keystore in those earlier attempts. For example, and will use different keystores unless you copy your keystore between the two services. Because private keys are intended to be private, unless you know where the old keystore is so that you can restore it, you will need to contact Google about switching to a new keystore. The keystore associated with your account will be used to sign your AAB file when you build your app, so please remember to back it up!

Post a screenshot of this message.

And let us know if it's an update and if so, when and how (as APK or AAB) the first version of the app was uploaded to the Play Developer console. We also must know if the first version was created with the same AI2 account as the current one.