I downloaded the MIT App Inventor Companion on macbook. When doing live testing, i want to test out the text to speech feature, however, it does not have any sound. But if i downloaded the APK, there is sound. How can i solve this?
Hello Haniyasm
There are certain components and features that work on Android but not on iOS, and others that are a work in progress.
Question - are you trying to make an Android App on a MacBook, or an iOS App?
For iOS, the compiled app is an IPA
Unfortunately, there is still no public build server for iOS at the moment.
However, it was announced for the fall semester of 2021.
I don't understand what you mean by that.
On which device are you testing? (Device name & Android version?).
I see, I'm trying to make an Android App on a MacBook
So, you have setup the AI2 Emulator as per:
..and downloaded the Companion App onto your Android phone:
You have a WiFi connection that allows you to test your App live via the companion, and download an APK to the phone. Whilst the download's sound is working, the Companion sound fails.
I would probably run my tests of the text-to-speech feature as an APK anyway. TTS is dependent on the TTS engine installed on the phone (usually there from day 1, provided by the device manufacturer).
Yes true. I see, alright thank you so much for the explanation!