No me he podido conectar con la plataforma de app inventor

ya no me he podido comunicar con la plataforma de mit app inventor me sale un errror

No se puede acceder a este sitio web

Se ha restablecido la conexión.

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que deberia hacer

Hi @antonio_franco

Where are you located in the world? In the past we have seen issues with an ISP in Chilé interfering with connections to You could also try and see if that works for you. You may need to contact your ISP about the issue as the site is up and running.

Hola, me encuentro en la misma situación. Estoy entrando desde una red corporativa de un centro educativo. Y llevo dos días que no consigo entrar. Cuando pulso el botón naranja de la página web: me pasa lo mismo que a @antonio_franco,
He probado el enlace: y tampoco funciona ¿Qué más puedo probar?
Muchas gracias.

Welcome Estrella.

The orange Button works for me. A guess is your IT department might be Blocking links to the Web application page. Access to App Inventor 2 uses a Web application. Your IT may need to white list that link. You might discuss white listing with them.

Instead of using the orange Button; try directly. It might work.

As a test if that does not work, can you use the orange Button using your home Internet connection? I bet you can and if you can that points to a problem with your educational center network.

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