No longer have permission

Using the companion, everything works fine, but after building APK, I no longer have access to files.

If you are accessing files outside of the private or app specific storage, you must change the Screen1 property DefaultFileScope to Legacy and change any File components to use Legacy scope. It's highly recommended that you migrate your files to another location because you will likely lose access to them if you freshly install a copy of your app in the future (e.g., if you switch to a new phone running Android 11+).

Hello Steve

We need to know more about the files:

  1. Are they delivered with your App?
  2. Do they need read-write or only read?
  3. Where were you storing them exactly and how do they get there?

*) Is the App just for your personal use or is it to be distributed to others?

Thank you. This is a tablet I’ve been using for years w/ Android 11. I was curious why it worked fine in companion.

Correction... Android 7

Thanks for replying. Legacy settings were the solution.

Hello Steve

That's only the solution if the App is for your personal use, if for distribution, Google will reject it.